Coronavirus Notice 18/3/2020


In response to Public Health England advice relating to COVID-19, Warwick SASCo have put measures in place to protect our staff and prevent disruption to supply chain.


To potentially slow the spread of the virus, Warwick SASCo have reinforced health and safety procedures and adopted additional hygiene practices.

Until advised otherwise, we are fully operational and will try to get orders out whilst we have stock and are able to work.

All but essential travel, customer meetings and visitors are suspended until further notice.

We would like to reassure our customers that we are here to support you during this time. Please bear with us, our team are working hard to maintain supply of all essential products and service levels.

Finally, we wish you well and look forward to a continuing our relationship this year.

Best regards….

WFHSS 2019

GSXS8648 (002) IMG_7559 IMG_7529

At the World Federation for Healthcare Sterilization Service, The Hague, 2019.

A busy conference with visitors to our stand from over 20 countries


Medica 2019



It was great to see International and UK customers visiting Medica 2019.


Here we are with British instrument manufacturer Tristan Murray from S Murray & Co Ltd

IDSc Annual Conference 2019


IDSc Annual Conference 2019

2nd – 4th December

Jury’s Inn, Hinckley Island Hotel, Watling Street, Hinckley, LE10 3JA

IDSc Annual Conference 2019


We are proud to be a commercial partner at IDSc.

This year you will find us in The London Room.

Please visit us at our stand.

Details and program available here