Warwick SASCo celebrate milestone with launch of photo competition

2021 Marks a milestone in WARWICK SASCo’s history. In June1981 the company launched the first range of polyware for use in hospital instrument decontamination. The products were quickly adopted and favoured by Sterile Services for their efficacy, low cost and durability.

Since its humble beginning the family run business has sold over 300 million items and become a stalwart of sterile services internationally. Recently, the company was (re)awarded the NHS contract to supply polyware to UK hospitals.

Warwick SASCo is a long-standing partner to the IDSc and supported members over the last 4 decades. Darby Booth, Managing Director, said “supporting the professional development of its’ member is essential for the industry and patient safety. We enjoy meeting our end users at the IDSc annual conference and look forward to the next decade with you.”

Warwick SASCo has seen many faces come and go in Sterile Services. To celebrate their anniversary the company invite you to send a new or old photo of yourself, your team or an historic image of the products in use. The first 40 respondents will receive a goodie bag to share with their department.

Please send your photo by the 31st August 2021 to janine@saco.co.uk

40th Anniversary Advert Warwick SASCo 125x180 AW 110521-page-0 (5)




Warwick SASCO plays a part in history and the battle against COVID-19


Today the world sees the first Covid 19 vaccination.

For several months Warwick SASCo has worked with national procurement team evaluating products for the vaccination trials.

NHS England selected two of our blue trays for the vaccination sets used in the nationwide roll-out program.

As seen in the news reports, our trays were chosen as the ideal container for the critical delivery of the vaccinations.






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IT3025 – Instrument Tray- Solid Ribbed Base              IT2015- Instrument Tray-Solid Ribbed Base

Dimension 300x25x52mm                                                            Dimension 200x150x51xmm

Both trays are:

  • Reusable – guaranteed minimum of 1000 decontamination cycles
  • Suitable for sterilization by Autoclave, Ethylene Oxide, Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Compatible with most hospital chemicals
  • Robust and Lightweight





For information or media, please contact enquiries@SASCo.co.uk