Warwick SASCo in partnership with Medica Thailand

Medica Thailand training Medica Thailand CSSD visit

A successful market support visit to our Thailand distributor, Medica Thailand.

Darby Booth, Warwick SASCo MD, enjoyed a meeting another satisfied customer at CSSD, Rajauthi Hospital.

Refresher product training and help to return to business as normal after the pandemic was warmly welcomed.

Great work team Medica!

Contact enquiries@sasco.co.uk to find your local distributor.



Our offices are closed on Monday 19th September 2022

To allow our staffs to mourn the passing of


and commemorate Her reign

Warwick SASCo exhibit at Royal College of Surgeons Congress Thailand

Medica Thailand represent Warwick SASCo at 47th  Annual Scientific Congress of The Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand on 13-16 July 2022 at Ambassador City Jomtien, Patta

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There was a lot of interest in our products!  Well done team.


Contact enquiries@sasco.co.uk to find your local distributor.

HSIB identify patient safety risk

An investigation by Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch into the work of sterile services identified gaps in meeting governance requirements.

Recommendations to improve patients safety include:

  • Addressing regulatory and assurance gaps in infection control that prevent risks being identified and managed at an appropriate level.
  • Removing confusion caused by the current regulatory structure.
  • Addressing the lack of data/reporting of incidents to understand scale of the issue.
  • Addressing the lack of a national competency framework for sterile services staff.


See the full article here:


Donations Arrive At Ukraine Hospitals

Warwick SASCo offer support to refugees and hospitals in Ukraine.

Organised by our local Polish Centre, medical equipment will be distributed to local hospitals and about 1300 refugees in town of Sharogrod.

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Eukraine refugees donations

Donation 3

Contact Janine@sasco.co.uk for more details

Addmaster receive Queen’s Award for Innovation

Addmaster’s technology, used in some of our products, is recognised for it’s antimicrobial properties.

See here for more details:


Biomaster reduces the risk of infection and cross- contamination.


We have been adding the innovative technology to our bedpan supports for many years.



Validation is available upon request.

Contact Janine@sasco.co.uk for more details