Sharing Knowledge in Lebanon

Congratulations to Kettaneh, our distributor partners in The Lebanon, for an educational and well organised seminar for Sterile Services and Theatres.

Delegates attended seminars about Instrument Management (Warwick SASCo UK), Vpro (Steris USA), Monitoring Steam Sterilization (GKE Germany), Building a Sufficient CSSD (Famos Netherlands) and Sterile Barriers (Ahlstrom Munksjo France).


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HIKON 2018 – Hakerman Turkey

We would like to congratulate Hakerman, our distributor partners in Turkey, on a successful HIKON 2018 Hospital Disinfection congress.


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Contact if you would like our support at your local conference or exhibition.

Warwick SASCo recognise 50 years of Sterile Services with Institute of Decontamination Sciences

A fabulous night celebrating sterile service professionals at Pharmacy 2 restaurant.

We are honoured to be industry partners of IDSC.

To recognise the important work of decontamination staff, we took 20 IDSC members to represent 50 years of IDSC

Warwick SASCO IDSC 50 years of sterile services.1

Representing each decade was;

Patricia Oliver – Director of Finance IDSc & Chairman of examinations panel

Val O’Brien – ISDC  Fellow Specialist Healthcare Consultant

Wendy Kirk – HSDU Manager Burton Hospital Trust

Angela Fairbank – HSDU Manager Pinder Fields Hospital

Philip Flear – HSDU Manager Prince Philip Hospital

Joseph Harris – CDU Manager KIMS Hospital

Lara Clary – Ramsay Healthcare

Carol Swayne – HSDU Manager Barnsley Hospital

Gill Ellis-Pow – Director of Communication IDSc NHS Lothian

Deva Kandasamy – Resource Manager Addenbrooks

Kiera Harris – Sterile Services KIMS Hospital

Helen Campbell – Decontamination Manager Queen Alexandar Hospital

Alan Clark – Vice President ISDc

Darby Booth – Managing Director Warwick SASCo

Alex Green – Compliance Director Warwick SASCo

Janine Farmer – Commericial Manager Warwick SASCo

  Warwick SASCO IDSC 50 years of sterile services.9 Warwick SASCO IDSC 50 years of sterile services.8 Warwick SASCO IDSC 50 years of sterile services.7 Warwick SASCO IDSC 50 years of sterile services.6 Warwick SASCO IDSC 50 years of sterile services.5 Warwick SASCO IDSC 50 years of sterile services.4 Warwick SASCO IDSC 50 years of sterile services.3 Warwick SASCO IDSC 50 years of sterile services.2



Turko Hospital CSSD visit with One Med, Finland

Turko CSSD One Med Finland

It was a pleasure to meet CSSD staff at Turko Elective Hospital, Finland, with our distributors in the region, One Med.

Always nice to see well run, efficient facility and meet happy customers.

Thank you to the One Med team for representing Warwick SASCo. The result of your hard work, product knowledge and enthusiasm is a growing, prosperous partnership. Great job!