WFHSS 2018

We are exhibiting at the 19th World Sterilization Congress, World Trade Centre, Mexico City, Mexico.

The dates are October 31st to November 3rd, 2018.  Meet us at stand ll



Warwick SASCo at Global Health Exhibition, Saudi Arabia.

WARWICK SASCo is one of the few international companies participating at the Global Health Exhibition in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

There are over 100 companies exhibiting at the event which is supported by seminars and discussions on the future planning for healthcare delivery in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The first day of the exhibition was officially opened by his Excellency the Minister of Health.

Delegates attending the first day of the exhibition included hospital management, directors of departments as well as nursing and clinical staff.

Working with our local distribution partner Cepco Medical Services, WARWICK SASCo has had a presence in KSA for 25 years.

Darby Booth managing director WARWICK SASCo welcomed many people working in CSSD and Infection Control.

Warwick SASCo Global Health Exhibtion Ridyah

Warwick SASCo Global Health Exhibition Saudi Arabia 2018

For more information about the event see –

Global Health Exhibition Saudi Arabia

Compromised sterile wraps temporarily suspends elective surgeries at HRRMC

Elective surgeries were suspended after surgical staff discovered compromised sterile wraps.

To ensure patient safety, Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center is temporarily suspending elective surgeries.

The hospital’s Surgical Services staff determined that some of the surgical wraps that protect the trays of sterilized surgical instruments appeared to be compromised. The issue was discovered prior to any surgeries and no patients were involved.

“Our Surgical Department has been working around the clock to resolve the issue,” said April Asbury, VP of patient services at the hospital. “We have purchased a different sterilization unit that is expected to be up and running by July 30. In the meantime, we do have sterilized packs on hand for emergency trauma surgeries and cesarean sections.”

The hospital’s procedure room remains open for colonoscopies, which use a different process for sterilization. Pain procedures are also not impacted and continue to be scheduled in the operating room.

“The proactive decision to shut down elective surgeries is a preventive measure,” said Dr. Karen Johnson, director of surgical services at HRRMC. “We want to make sure we are going above and beyond the standard of care to ensure the safety of our patients.”

The hospital is currently rescheduling any postponed elective surgeries for next week. The hospital will divert routine surgeries to other regional hospitals until next week.


Congratulations Hakerman

Congratulations Hakerman, our distinguished partner in Turkey, on their 25th Anniversary.

Wishing you another 25 successful years.


Hakerman 25th Anniversary (1) Hakerman 25th Anniversary (2)


Warwick SASCo trays in Podiatry Sets

SASCo podiatry sets 1

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Hospitals recommend Warwick SASCo Instrument Trays for podiatry sets.  The trust has recently replaced pulp trays

with our MIT2709 to reduce long term cost and improve durability of trays.  The introduction of an identification tag allows CSSD to track and trace instrument



SASCo podiatry sets 2


Warwick SASCo products available at Indy Stores

Warwick SASCo have a long standing relationship with Indy, Enabled Living Centres, in Evesham, Redditch and Worcester.

Store manager Angela and her team are happy to help answer your questions and take orders from our Spa Range.

Indy Medical

Working with Iris Slovenia

Iris Slovenia - Warwick SASCO-1It was a pleasure to meet SSD Managers at General Hospital Novo Mesta and University Clinical

Centre Marbor, Slovenia, this week.

 Thank you to Iris our distributor in the region

Iris Slovenia - Warwick SASCo-2

We really love the Slovenia Sterile Services Association logo “Sterile Services, at he heart of the hospital”. Very true!

Iris Slovenia - Warwick SASCO-3